Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is also related to anticipation of danger; it is a mechanism to defend ourselves and assure our survival in nature.
Children and adolescents are exploring the world and as they adapt to the environment, they will find difficulties in this process. The ability to adapt will be determined by early experiences and relationships at home. Any difficulty met during this process can bring tension, anxiety, and inability to develop effective coping skills which can lead to maladaptive behaviors.
Some of the diagnoses in this category include Specific Phobia, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Substance (drugs)/Medication Induced Anxiety Disorder.
Beside all the above-mentioned diagnoses, there are other two that are great attention in the pediatric population such as Separation Anxiety Disorder and Selective Mutism.
Early diagnosis is substantially important as youth tend to respond much better and faster to treatment interventions, which translate into a much better prognosis. On the other hand, no intervention can leave them at the mercy of long-lasting effects on the brain’s biology and maladaptive behaviors that can be carried throughout life.